Vacuum Ovens
Vacuum Ovens are some of the most rugged vacuum ovens available today. Each oven features overtemperature protection and an easy-to-read vacuum gauge. Models 1425, 1445, and 1465 come with a fully programmable Watlow controller. Vacuum Ovens are equipped with silicone gaskets. While these gaskets resist a wide variety of temperatures and pressures, they can breakdown in the presence of solvents and acids. For solvent applications we recommend using Buna gaskets, and for acidic applications, the Fluorosilicone or Viton® gaskets.
Vacuum Oven Applications: Moisture Determination, Out Gassing Solids, Aging Tests, Plating, Chemical Resistance Studies, Drying of Paper, Rubber and Textiles, Desiccating, Dry Sterilization, Out Gassing Liquids, Vacuum Storage, and Electronic Process Control.