Adjustable Tote Heater 48" Height 240v 2880w

Adjustable Tote Heater 48" Height 240v 2880w
- Speed up the flow of slow-moving and uncooperative contents such as oil, honey, molasses, etc.
- Designed for caged, plastic or metal tote tanks/IBC's)
- Non-evasive- won't contaminate or scorch your product
- Two separate heat zones allows you to adjust heat output when content levels are low
- Full coverage plug-n-play system
- Fits any tote tank width from 40" x 40" to 48" x 48". Adjustable nylon straps for a custom fit
- Height: 48"
- Two separate heat zones (top and bottom)
- Adjustable thermostat from 50 to 160ºF
- Built-in manual reset high-limit safety thermostat set at 195ºF for each heat zone
- Silicone infused cloth facing and liner
- 1/4" fiberglass insulation
- "Mouse hole" designed for spigot
- Patented ground for your safety meets NEC 427.23
- 6 ft. power cord with standard 3-prong power plug
- Optional top cover (reduces heat loss, increases heat-up time)